Portugal, where I currently live, has deep Celtiberian roots. In 2025 I'll be offering to guide retreats/tours of 'thin places', Templar castles and Cistercian (Trappist) abbeys I know in central Portugal. I have done this sort of thing twice before in Ireland, but this will be with smaller groups or maybe just one individual. Perhaps this time only by private invitation. I'm flexible and open to alternative suggestions for locations on the visit-list and can offer choices for your own tailor-made retreat. In English or Dutch. I recently did a trial retreat with a friend and know it is a recipe for success.
These 1:1 or very small groups will be combined with anam cara style guidance, meditation, good food, sightseeing, and inner journeying on any questions you bring with you. Rest days will allow some space for sudden Atlantic weather disruptions. Your trip will be arranged by you, including transport, and I will join you. I can help with planning and advise on the culture here. The powerful places I suggest to visit are excellent preparation for the inner journeys, or as backdrop for sharing good vibes. There will be plenty of time to enjoy Portugal's excellent cuisine and fine inexpensive wines. No fee will be asked. If you find this idea exciting, please e-mail me to register your interest:
No plans as yet for 2025.
No plans as yet for a third visit.