
So-called shamans are mushrooming everywhere in the forest of New Age spirituality, making it difficult for those starting, to pick a good one to work with. There are also different stages in knowledge and phases of maturity among teachers and learners alike.

The Tourist or Beginner - dipping a toe in for the first time. The Apprentice - an on-off relationship with shamanism, not yet a consistent practice. The Journeyman - building practice into ordinary life, developing trust. The Master or Inner Door student - practice has become second-nature, now with sufficient experience to initiate others and take on apprentices. I work closely with my guides with the sole aim of making the learner reliant on their own guides as soon as possible, to become independent journeymen/women.

Services are priced as follows, negotiable according to your budget, the normal charges being:

Shamanic initiation (connecting guides)

130€ for 60-90 minutes

Basic apprenticeship (the World Tree)

6 x 1 hour sessions @ 500€

Two visits to each level of the World Tree to discover the guides waiting for you there. These symbols of your higher intuitive mind can be ancestors, spirit animals, or nature spirits. Learn how to build a relationship with them and receive their guidance for concrete and practical results.